Power in agreement

This is me with Nurse Thembi. She was my nurse when I was in ICU a year ago and came to visit me in the general ward! Horrbible photo of me though but I'm looking better by the day, I hope;)
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" - Matthew 18:19

It was this verse that got me through my time in hospital. Two things that I have known about the local African cultures and have evidently seen this last visit in hospital is their faith in Jesus and their LOUDness!

You would think a hospital needs to be quiet, but I tell you, the only time it's quiet is maybe between 1am and 4am. Otherwise, it is constantly noisy. It's the trolleys for medication, trolleys for food, the cleaners, the floor polisher, the nurses with their VERY very loud voices. I have come to a conclusion that a hospital is not a place to just sleep if there's tons of noise.. or you know what, perhaps I have just gotten VERY use to quietness on that small Island of Bahrain!

The other thing that I have realised is that South-Africa is a blessed country rich with people who love Jesus! So many, so many of my nurses were Christians and not just the "by-name" types! Since there are only 4 hours a day that I may have visitors, I have the other 20 hours with the nurses and so I decided that they must please pray with me. So before I had to walk the first time after my stomach operation and had to be helped by the nurse to do so, I asked her to pray with me. I would ask her if she knows Jesus and if she would pray with me. I only wait for the first answer and then start praying. I tell you while I'm praying she also lets loose! Its amazing! And can you believe, that night I got up and walked to the loo! And I thought it would take me forever! Same happened another time for another need and then again when I prayed with my mom for nausea! And again when we prayed about an injection that I know is usually quite painful! And also about another situation I thought may be a problem! And also, yesterday, when my mom and I prayed that the doctor would come soon so that I can be released from hospital, he came 15min after we prayed, where the day before he didn't come all day!
God's Word is sooo true! And He is faithful to His Word - "for you have exalted above all things your name and your word." Psalm 138:2b

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" - Matthew 18:19


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