Revealing God's Heart - Bill Johnson
I am dedicating an entire post to this preach of Bill Johnson only because I think it so relevant.
I have been seriously wrestling with this thought of why bad things happen etc and what mindset are we to have towards these. Are we to merely accept everything or are we to live in this place of victory that even when things go wrong, "God will work all things for the good of those who love Him" and that His ultimate will is that none perish but all come to salvation, even if thats not what we see in our lives today.I have come to believe that we cannot build our views of God on our circumstances, but rather we must base it on truth, on who He is, on what He has done for us, on the victory of the cross.
It is not something that I at all feel I have complete knowledge of or even know if I will be able to understand fully, but I know this, that God will work it for good for those who love Him(Rom 8:28), that He wants us to have life and life to the full(Jh 10:10), that the fruit of the Spirit is love, patience, JOY, peace, kindness, goodness etc(Gal 5:22), that His yoke is easy and His burden is light(Mat 11:30), that He took our illnesses and bore our diseases(Mat 8:17), that Gods anger lasts a moment(which, i might very much be wrong, but was the moment Jesus took all our sins on the cross) but His favour lasts a lifetime(Ps 30:5), that he comforts the downcast(2 Cor 7:6), that those who trust in Him will NEVER be put to shame/disappointed(Rom 10:11), that He honours His Word(Ps 138:2), that His love is unfailing(Ps 138:2). I refuse to base my life on things that don't happen(God's "apparent" lack of intervention) or mere experiences that was never what He intended but that happened because we live in a fallen world. I will live in what He has said and who He is because He has "exalted above all things, His Name and His Word." (Psalm 138:2)
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Revealing God's heart
I have been seriously wrestling with this thought of why bad things happen etc and what mindset are we to have towards these. Are we to merely accept everything or are we to live in this place of victory that even when things go wrong, "God will work all things for the good of those who love Him" and that His ultimate will is that none perish but all come to salvation, even if thats not what we see in our lives today.I have come to believe that we cannot build our views of God on our circumstances, but rather we must base it on truth, on who He is, on what He has done for us, on the victory of the cross.
It is not something that I at all feel I have complete knowledge of or even know if I will be able to understand fully, but I know this, that God will work it for good for those who love Him(Rom 8:28), that He wants us to have life and life to the full(Jh 10:10), that the fruit of the Spirit is love, patience, JOY, peace, kindness, goodness etc(Gal 5:22), that His yoke is easy and His burden is light(Mat 11:30), that He took our illnesses and bore our diseases(Mat 8:17), that Gods anger lasts a moment(which, i might very much be wrong, but was the moment Jesus took all our sins on the cross) but His favour lasts a lifetime(Ps 30:5), that he comforts the downcast(2 Cor 7:6), that those who trust in Him will NEVER be put to shame/disappointed(Rom 10:11), that He honours His Word(Ps 138:2), that His love is unfailing(Ps 138:2). I refuse to base my life on things that don't happen(God's "apparent" lack of intervention) or mere experiences that was never what He intended but that happened because we live in a fallen world. I will live in what He has said and who He is because He has "exalted above all things, His Name and His Word." (Psalm 138:2)
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Revealing God's heart
So good to hear from you! I am doing very well and loving being in SA! Hope you guys are well in Doha!! much love xx