Answered prayer

Hello friends!!

So I haven't blogged for a while, and to be honest, I think my love for blogging has had a bit of hit lately - not sure how long I'll keep this up. But Today I am blogging again to tell you of God's faithfulness. God has answered 2 of my prayers in the last 2 days.

The 1st prayer, and less urgent one, is that of my ipod touch. A few days ago it died on me. I plugged it into a power source, pressed all the buttons for numerous intervals of time, but to no hope. It did not want to turn on. So a day or 2 later I decided that I will lay hands on my ipod and ask God to heal it. I thought that perhaps the perfume spill of 4 months ago, which had made my screen seem 3D, has finally taken its toll and sucked the life out of my music source! So directly after I prayed for it I tried to turn it on, but, nothing. Then a day or 2 later I thought that since I had asked God to heal it, I must at least put my faith into action and test it every now and again. So I plugged it into a power source again..and ta-da! it worked.  I don't care what you say, my prayer was answered.

Then the more urgent prayer is that of the date for my final operation. Without going into the details of what this operation is..I can tell you this: It IS an operation I want, and the sooner the better.  Soooo we have been e-mailing the doctor for a while now, with no response. We know he is a busy person. But, still we had some setbacks along the way and got one response from him eventually that wasn't all too encouraging; however, today we decided to phone him.  After having prayed for this for a while, it was actually amazing to hear his positive feedback and now I even have a date for my op, almost as soon as I land in SA!! AMAZING!!

I am so thankful to God! Jesus answers prayers!! Let me never become so familiar with His miracles that I am not overflowing with thankfulness everytime!. It's so easy to not be thankful and not recognize the everyday miracles God does.


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