*"Winter" wonderland time*

So It seems thanksgiving is this Thursday which means its time to get the Christmas tree up. Now I don't actually celebrate thanksgiving but I use to LoVe it when our American friends would invite us over to celebrate their tradition. Sometimes we would have 2 thanksgivings, one in October and another in November celebrating with Canadians and Americans respectively.  Even our Bahraini neighbours are celebrating thanksgiving! But tomorrow is just another holiday for me since exams are over!

So back to the Christmas tree. It feels like AGES ago that we have set up a Christmas tree in our house. I can't actually remember the last time, as I know we skipped a year or two. My family have never been big on all the decorations and presents that come with Christmas(only good times with family and friends) although I use to try and bring the Christmas cheer and encourage participation. I eventually gave up, until this year when my mom and I went shopping and thought we must invest in a tree again(mom had cleaned and sorted out when they moved to Bahrain and one thing that didn't come with was the tree)

One of my favourite Christmas songs is "Oh Come let us adore Him" and actually its not just a Christmas song its a song of urging, a song that invites, a song of adoration.

SO today was "put-up-the-tree" day!! I love seeing the blinking Christmas tree lights in the evening! I even found a bow for Spikkels! He is getting use to the extra accessory! 

 Check his cute bow and notice, you can't see his tail because it is moving so fast..

Christmas-time also means "winter" time in this part of the world. This means that the temperature is perfect and we can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air! So Chanz, Taz and I went to Le Chocolat on our weekly Wednesday eve girls nite! I love just chilling, going for coffee and having good conversation and laughs. As is said "people make a place" and if it weren't for the people I have come to know in Bahrain, I probably would've hated it! 
 Tazzy always has a funny face! not "funny" as in weird..but "funny" as in haha;)

 Sitting outside at Le Chocolat in the perfect weather


Unknown said…
baie lekker om te lees. jy het 'n gift sus
Unknown said…
arme spikkel, hy lyk maar redelik verlee. Hy is nog nie so seker oor die bow nie!

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