God's Blessings

One thing that I thought about tonight is this thing of God's universal Kingdom. It amazes me that God can knit the hearts of people together who come from such different parts of the world but because we are all part of another Kingdom and our most treasured "possession" is the same, we are all together sons and heirs.

Tonight I said "bye" to Johnny and Connie who serve as deacons to Rivers of Joy and have also become friends of our family. They took us to an amazing Thai restaurant! Thai is some of my favourite food! They have been such a blessing not only to me and my family but to the church. All their children, Isaac, Elizabeth, Eleanor and Ivan have served and blessed Rivers on their short holidays in Bahrain, either through being involved in worship or sound.

I have realised this last week that I am also very much sad to leave Bahrain and most importantly SPiKKeLs behind....haha no! but seriously. Somewhere in the Bible there's a verse  where it says "God builds His church" and this verse has been so evident in Rivers. The one thing I have loved, is to see God move and I wish I could be here to see all the more He is gonna do! He stirs hearts and answers prayers and turns people lives around! What a blessing that He does it all!

This precious little one, Sarah, is the daughter of Brent and Belinda an amazing couple at Rivers!


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