WOW that is all I can say about God's amazing faithfulness as I find actual words don't do Him justice. He has been so good to me. It amazes me how much He cares about me and look out for me and respond to me. As I was reminded yesterday when I watched my brother's video on faith "He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" Heb 11:6. It is who He is. He cannot deny Himself. if we are unfaithful He will remain faithful. I feel that we(myself included) forget too often who He is and base our faith on what we hope He is and not on truly knowing who He is. He is the Restorer of the Broken, the Father to the Fatherless, the Saviour of the lost, the Healer of the sick. He is close to the broken-hearted. He is not easily angered. He does not hold our sins against us. His love is unfailing and it endures forever. He is our Refuge, our very present help in times of trouble. I know people always say we mustn't preach the prosperity Gospel but the truth is this Gospel is more than that. its good news. He will provide for His children, not like a gambling machine but like the most perfect Father you could not even imagine.

I have been so amazed at God's sensitivity to me and to my heart and His Father heart towards me. I have been quite worries about things but kept on saying "God knows what he is doing" He knows what we need before we ask(which is not an excuse not to ask). He knows whats best for us. He knows how much we can handle. All He wants is for us to hand it over to Him, to give my the reigns and make Him our refuge.

So a small part of this is to say, last night me and 2 friends prayed for my visa for Bahrain to come through and this morning when I woke up there was an e-mail in my inbox to say it has arrived and I am on my way to Bahrain. I am not sure what awaits me there BUT God knows and He knows what He is doing!!!


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