How do we see God?

I have had a thought continually about this concept of how we see God. I, in no way, claim to have complete understanding or revelation on it but this is what I think. Often when something tragic happens in our lives, like a car accident or some horrible sickness is on a person, we think that God orchestrated it so that we can call out to Him and He can show His glory and maybe some don’t survive and other times some do and then we think that’s God’s avenue to show His greatness.  He created the universe He doesn’t need to create tragedy to show greatness but yet He will work tragedy for good!

But now imagine a sci-fi movie. In this movie there is an all-powerful being, let’s call him Sparta(first name that came to mind) and this Sparta decides to show his power to his little beings so he comes and throws them into tragedy because he feels they are not giving him the attention  and love he deserves. So these little beings are miserable and suffering but Sparta’s plan is to save the day so that the little beings will turn to love him. Doesn’t Sparta sound completely evil? He sounds insecure, that he would hurt to receive love. Why do we believe God is like that? There could probably be many arguments to all of this and I don’t claim to have a complete understanding but I know that the Bible says that We love God because He loved us first not because he threatened us. And that Love is patient and kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude, it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrong doing but rejoices with the truth it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. It also says that God is love. Which means He is all of these things? And I know that the Bible says that He will work all things for good but that doesn’t mean He had to create that situation that he turns to good. Like I have heard Bill Johnson say once before, God did not create the storm so that Jesus can rebuke it again as then Jesus was rebuking Gods will, but Jesus only did the will of the Father.

The thing is, we deserve any sickness or tragedy that comes our way as the world is in the state that it is because sin came into the world way back in the garden of eden. It is not God who causes heartache but to the contrary He comes to restore the brokenhearted, put the broken into families, heal the sick, give eternal life. He loved us so much that He made a way out. To His expense, He took on our sin, him being without sin, and died on a cross so that we can live and all because He loved us. Its through the cross that we get everything that we do not deserve and we don’t get what we do deserve(God’s wrath). Why when horrible things happen to us do we believe God is pouring out His wrath on us when he poured it all out on Jesus by turning His face away from Jesus when Jesus died on the cross? We don’t get to claim that card anymore. God’s wrath is not towards those that accepts Jesus’ blood because Jesus is the One who received God’s wrath.

Its amazing how subtly we can start believing things that can affect our whole life, as I believe the way we see our God will affect every aspect of our life.  We cannot base our beliefs on feelings or experiences because they are not truth because not everything that happens in life is Gods will otherwise it is His will that people violate His law and if we base our beliefs on experience then our beliefs will be very contradictory and shaky with whatever happens in life. God’s word is truth, it will stand through all the ages. I was reminded by this scripture again when I went to Kier Taylors divine healing session(amazing!) at my church: Prov 4:20 “My son be attentive to my words, incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh.” This is a Scripture that my mom quoted to me continually when I was in hospital which God had given her. Lets start quoting Scripture again as God honours His Word and truth trumps experiences and circumstances. His Word is life to all who find it and healing to all their flesh! His words healed me! He healed me.


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