Bex's visit

This is my mom with her favourite baby!

This past weekend was the Bahrain-relay Marathon. I did not run, contrary to popular belief;) and I actually didn't get to support either, due to studies, among other things. I dropped the folks though and got to say hi to everyone before the day started AND got to hold little Sarah Jackson! She was all nice and cuddly this day, constantly resting her head on my shoulder! so Cute! Behind is my dad and next to me is Taz!

My friend, Bex, has also come to visit and is here for a few days as her husband is on a short contract in Bahrain. So I took her to the Saudi causeway so we can have a lookout at Saudi Arabia. It is behind us in the photo, across the sea. Don't think I ever want to go there but nice to admire from a distance (As the Afrikaans saying goes: "Mooi van ver maar ver van mooi"). Bex is my kiwi friend who I met at our church in Dubai on one of my holidays from South-Africa, when I visited my folks. She recently got married to Carl who is a South-African!! Wonder what rugby team their kids are gonna support?? mwahahahaha! SPRINGBOKS! After we went on the causeway(which is a road built through the sea to the mainland of Saudi, as Bahrain is an island), we went to a restaurant called "Le Chocolat"! What a tempting place this is! I caution all chocolate addicts to stay away! I also discovered that they have a woodburning pizza oven! Haven't tried the pizza yet but it smelt good. And can you believe it, I even resisted all things chocolate!? I had a fresh pineapple juice, which was delicious! I have recently discovered my love for fresh pineapple juice; and Bex had a cappucino, which she said was also very good. I think this little cafe may be my new favourite dining place, especially because it is not in a mall!


I have crossed over that causeway many times. We lived in Al Khobar, just on the opposite side and we used to drive the other way to Bahrain to get a feel for 'normal' life every few weeks. Movies, real wine at dinner, no abayas....BUT I never went to that restaurant....the causeway was just a means to 'escape'
We even had a kind of causeway passport, else one's real passport gets filled up very quickly.
Leandi said…
Hi Leonie!
Bex was just telling me as we were driving to the causeway, that you guys lived in Saudi. I might have heard before, but didn't realise since I've lived here. That must've been quite an experience!:)

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