Lessons in teaching

So I have been teaching 27 four-year olds for the last 4 weeks. It is absolutely incredible how fast time flies. Sunday is the first day of the week and I always wonder how I will have energy to last the whole week but before I know it, Thrusday afternoon is here and the week is past! It has been very challenging yet very much rewarding to teach the kids. I definitely wish now that I had done as I intended a few years ago and tried learning some Arabic, as there are a few kids in class whose English is slightly(or rather exceptionally) limited. I have raised my voice(or rather) shouted a bit more than I would like and I am still learning day by day what works best but i can definitely say that I look forward to seeing the 27 faces who have started saying "i love you miss" every now and again and my heart just melts.

In teaching I have learnt a few lessons. Number one: Just like God's mercies are new every morning I should have new mercy for my children each day. Its crazy but I dont care what they did yesterday, I want today to be a clean slate each morning and this decision on my part has just made me love them all the more. I look forward to seeing them in the morning.

The second lesson is that love can change behaviour. There has been one kid, lets call them B, who has been quite mischievous, to put it nicely, and after trying every kind of discipline we decided just to give B extra love and attention and he suddenly turned into the angel in the class! I realised that this is why we can rely on Grace to change our actions and not have the belief that God's grace will cause everyone to fall into licentiousness. Because as we come to know more and more of His unfailing love, its that Love and that Grace that makes us want to do His will and to please Him.

So those are 2 short lessons I learned. I still pray for energy and for me to have extra grace for the kids when it feels like no one pays attention or everyone is going crazy. But i love it because I love the kids.


Anonymous said…
You're so brave to face so many 4 yr olds at once. Loved the blog - good lessons

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