
This post is a continuation of my previous post, hence read the previous one first.

So I am still studying that chapter of trust.. I am a slow study-er.

This is not from the Bible but from my Business management textbook but still I thought "How true". It is talking about "What leads to mistrust": Firstly, miscommunication leads to mistrust when parties are not in regular contact. Amazing! In other words come into regular contact with your heavenly Father! Secondly, dispositional attributions, this is when a low-power person(us people, in this case) makes a dispositional attribution for what is really a situational case. A dispositional attribution is one that calls into question another person's character and intentions by citing them as the cause of behaviour or incident, whereas a situational disposition cites situational factors as the cause  of a behaviour or incident. How often do we blame God for things that are actually caused by the fact that we live in a fallen world. Thridly, "focsuing on the "bad apple"", when people's impression of the bad apple can spoil their impression of the enitre bunch. In other words your impression of your earthy father has caused you to mistrust your heavenly Father or your experience with a person in church has caused you to shy away from the whole church. Lastly, "social comparison", " the need and desire of people to compare themselves to others in terms of competence, attractiveness, success, benefits, leads to feelings of mistrust. How often do we look at others and see their blessings and as a result feel that we have not been given enough or that we have been overlooked or that God has not blessed us. When the Israelites asked God for a king, they wanted to be like the other nations and as a result rejected God as king, not trusting that He would lead them best.

Seeing that this comes from my business management book and varsity is very strict on plagiarism, let me just site my source: "The mind and heart of the negotiator" -Leigh, L. Thompson



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