The anniversary of God's faithfulness

Today, a year ago, was the day that me, my friend Matt and my friend, Jess were on our way to the Drakensberg for a weekend of "fat Jols", in the words of my friend , Jo. It turned out to be a bit of a different weekend, as that evening we had a head on collision with another car. You would know the whole story if you know me:) For most of today I had actually forgotten the significance of today a year ago, until my friend reminded me. It's funny, God has been so amazingly faithful this last year even, just yesterday in our church and the lives of people in our church, that I should really have a big party today in celebration of His goodness and perfect faithfulness. His faithfulness to us, is absolutely perfect because it is not based on our faithfulness to Him, but it is based on Jesus' faithfulness and Jesus led a perfect life! In this last year God gave me this verse as a promise: ~Psalm 138~ I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart I will sing Y...