
So as you can see I have "revamped" my blogg. Above is my new background picture. I have recently seen a friend of mine's blogg and absolutely loved it!! It's a friend whom I haven't seen for years and we were never very close, but I have just loved reading her blogg and seeing all the things she posts on it about her life now. I realised that I actually didn't know much about blogging especially with regards to designing and adding links.

So here goes. The start is to give my page a revamp and see what other tools this site has available for me to use. I have lots of time this year to figure it out and then hopefully next year I will have less time and more to share on whats happening in my life.

Soon I shall share all the confirmations God has given me about going back to Pretoria. Before I made the decision of where to go, I asked God to continually confirm to me where I must be. I had no specific desire or wisdom of where to go, and ever since rehab my mom has told me to pray about "what you gonna do with your future". As I said in previous posts, as long as I have supernatural, God-given, joy, love and peace, I would love to be there, wherever "there" may be. I don't want to be in Pretoria filled with fear and I don't want to be in Bahrain, filled with frustration.

But this post was not gonna be deep or serious but more informative. haha oh well. Let's see what interesting tools I find on!


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