Forever Praise!

I remember being in Kuwait in April 2002. I was with some other students from my youth-group and our then leader, Gerald Longjohn. We were visiting churches in the gulf and building relationships with their youth for a later time where we would have a youth event in Dubai with youth from many churches from across the gulf. I remember clearly being at one of the services at the church in Kuwait and we were singing a song by Hillsong. And I remember singing the line "Forever I will worship You" in that church. I remember it clearly as it wasn't just a song I was singing but it was what I was saying to God. I will not only worship Him forever on earth but eternally in heaven. I have this assurance because He saved me once and forever with Jesus' blood shed when He died on the cross. I'll worship Him eternally in heaven. Even through some of the toughest times I have been through(not including the whole accident story) just general life struggles, where you sometimes feel but "how can God be good?", even through that I can worship Him because I don't worship Him because of my circumstances but because of His infinite and majestic Holiness. I will worship Him forever not because I can say in my capacity I have the strength and endurance but because Jesus died for all my sins ONCE and for ALWAYS. He saved me,once and for always. And all we are going to do in Heaven is worship Him.
Bought the new Hillsong cd, A Beaufitul Exchange, while I was in SA a week ago and the following song quickly got set to repeat.The words are one reason why this song is a new(and short-lived, as I'm already killing it) favourite of mine, also there are violins in the youtube video:):
Like Incense/Sometimes by Step
May my prayer like incense rise before You
The lifting of my hands as sacrifice
Oh Lord Jesus turn Your eyes upon me
For I know there is mercy in Your sight
Your statutes are my heritage forever
My heart is set on keeping Your decrees
Please still my anxious urge toward rebellion
Let Love keep my will upon its knees
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
To all creation I can see a limit
But Your commands are boundless and have none
So Your Word is my joy and meditation
From the rising to the setting of the sun
All Your ways are loving and are faithful
The road is narrow but Your burden light
Because You gladly lean to lead the humble
I shall gladly kneel to leave my pride
To all creation I can see a limit
But Your commands are boundless and have none
So Your Word is my joy and meditation
From the rising to the setting of the sun
I will seek You in the morning
I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
I love the line "and I will ever praise You" as it speaks of this life and beyond!
My favourite part tho is where Brooke Fraser sings "Our God is compassionate, He is rich in love, full of mercy. Oh His love is unfailing, His Face is shining here!"