
This is the story of how I got Spikkels.

One thing you must know before hand is that purebred dogs in this part of the world are very expensive and will cost on average R6000-R8000.

Before my parents moved to Bahrain they would come and visit Bahrain atleast once a month and stay with friends of ours. The one week when my they were staying with these friends, my mom saw a lady walking outside with 2 little miniature dachshund puppies. Because our family love this specific breed, my mom ran outside and went to chat with the lady. This ladies' puppies had little booties on to protect their feet as Bahrain get extremely hot in the summer. My mom asked the lady that if she knew of anyone who is selling or looking for a home for this breed of puppies, that they must just return to this villa and tell our friends.

So about 5 months later while I was still in hospital, a lady cam knocking on our friends' door and said that she wants to give away a little dachshund puppy. Our friends knew this puppy was meant for us so they phoned my dad as he was back in Bahrain already and all we needed to pay for little Spikkel was the cover of his vet bills. He was a gift from God to me and has been my companion ever since the accident. All Spikkel's brothers and sisters were actually sold but Spikkel was the last one left and the lady wanted to find a home for him as she was soon to give birth. He is truly the cutest pup!

P.S. His new name is WOEFELS!!!:):)


Salomon said…
I love Spikkels too! Wow I did not even know this story! God is amazing hey - sheesh!
L said…
He is very cute Leandi :) I love your blog!

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