Pizza with Noor and Tazzy

Today was a good day. Firstly because it was followed by yesterday(to state the obvious), when I had found out that I got a semester mark of 80% for one module!! After failing an entire semester last year, I feel like a little bragging is in order(I still remember the day I went onto the online web system last year to check my final results. I was with some friends at Mugg and Bean and my friend next to me gasped when she saw I had failed every subject!I was not very impressed with myself either). I think the last time I saw 80% was in my first year of varsity! I actually worked pretty darn hard on this last project. Secondly, because yesterday I had the best run that I've had since last year, and this time I didn't have any stiffness in my legs or pain in my feet! Watch out or I'm gonna be fitter than YOU soon!hehe So if you have had a conversation with me recently, you would know that I want to become a jogger, so that eventually I want to run in races! I want to have a j...